Phone: (816) 625-5212


Lee’s summit, Independence, Blue Springs, Greenwood, Oak Grove all in Missouri


Accurate and Beautiful

Flooring can be meticulous work but no matter what project you have in mind, you can trust that we will help you bring your vision to life. Get in touch to learn more.

We understand that when it comes to flooring options, you have a lot to choose from. If you are looking for an option that is permanent, clean, and green you should be seriously considering porcelain tile.

There are many options when choosing the perfect tile for your flooring needs and not all are equal. We recommend shopping with a locally owned tile distributor. They are more likely to take the time to understand what you need and are more than happy to point you in the right direction. We offer consultation for all your tile projects.


When it comes to flooring many people skip some important steps. There are many significant questions to consider before mixing the thin-set and installing the tile on the floor. Is the floor level? Has anyone checked the uniformity to ensure that it meets the recommendations from the TCNA? (Tile Council of N. America) If installing directly over concrete, has your tile installer checked the absorption rate of the concrete to ensure a quality bond? Installing tile over a wood subfloor comes with its own unique set of challenges as well as a another set of tools and materials to perform the job correctly.

Preparation is key when it comes to tiled floors and if you want something that looks amazing for generations to come while adding value to your home, we are your contractor of choice! We do not recommend installing temporary flooring and the last thing you want to do is install an expensive porcelain tile on your floors only to have to remove it due to bonding issues or other tile installation failure.


What Type of Tile for Your Floor?

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